External Landscape
Kimberly-Clark’s 3rd step in Strategic Category Management analyzes areas of the external market to build conclusions and insights in a particular category. This will help inform on Opportunities and Threats used in the development of strategic options and choices that will provide Kimberly-Clark a competitive advantage in the category.
Supplier Landscape analyzes the entire external supply base for the category.
Supplier Landscape
Cost Analysis enables a better understanding of the cost of a commodity or service at a deeper level, giving a better understanding of the overall cost.
Cost Analysis
Porter’s Five Forces analyzes the competitive external environment.
Porter's 5 Forces
Market and Supplier Categorization is a holistic assessment of the market and suppliers within the category.
Market & Supplier Categorization
The link between Strategic Category Management (SCM) and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) programs and what SRM programs are required for the category.
PEST is used to examine external factors in Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological areas, and how they impact the category.
SWOT Analysis defines what opportunities and threats are discovered within the External Landscape.
Opportunities & Threats
Identify areas to explore for greater value, which will assist in constructing the strategic approach for K-C.
Value for Exploration & Conclusions - Part 3
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